viernes, 10 de junio de 2016

Cristo Resucitado

6 comentarios:

j.etienne dijo...

this christ has a very "catholic" look ;)

Mauricio Cardenas dijo...

Of course, I sucked catholicism since the day of my birth. But why do you think so? Too bloody?

j.etienne dijo...

the posture of christ,his hands open,the long hair and the "aureole" and oval shape of the light around him

Mauricio Cardenas dijo...

Oh, well I guess I just made an unconscious mixture of the images I´ve seen. I wanted him to be recognizable around people here. In France catholicism is also strong , right ?

j.etienne dijo...

It doesn't increase but becomes more conservative and less open to modernity

Mauricio Cardenas dijo...

Sounds familiar….